Tuesday, May 30, 2006 

Sunburns and broken shins

By Billy Bob

Well, it's over.

Four months ago, I began training for the Ottawa Race Weekend Half Marathon. On Febuary 9, 2006, I began running with the Running Room clinic. At the time, there were about 150 of us brave souls who decided to challenge ourselves and run twenty-one long, grueling kilometers.

Those first few weeks were tough. In anticipation for the clinic, I had begun an accelerated training program. The clinic description said that a person should be able to run 7k comfortably before embarking on this training program. It had been a while since I had run, but I knew I could do it. And so I would jump on the treadmill for two, three, and then four miles, getting myself prepared, hoping that I could fool everyone, including myself, that I was ready to train for it.

And when I got there, I realized I wasn't alone. There was a sea of people with the same apprehension and fears and goals and dedication that I knew I had. Of course, I couldn't see it at the time. To me, everyone looked much more prepared than I was. There they were with their Nike Running pants and jackets. Their Running Room touques and gloves. Their sunglasses and water bottles. I felt like a bit of an outsider, coming in wearing my Giant Tiger special: A $5 pair of sweats, a $10 sweater, a $2 touque, and gloves that I'm pretty sure I stole from one of my previous roommates. The only thing that made me feel better about that whole experience was Nicola, who seemed to share my philosphy towards running wardrobe.

Those first few weeks were tough, running more often than not in -20°C weather with wind, snow, or freezing rain. I would often hope for snow, because that meant it would warm up to at least -10°C. The sun was my enemy then. We'd run along, and sometimes on, the Rideau Canal, careful not to fall on the ice. We'd run into the wind, in each direction. We'd form friendships and bonds that would take us into the half marathon.

In retrospect, the training was perhaps the best part of the whole experience. Perhaps I'm romanticizing it, but those Sunday morning runs will stay with me forever.

Everything was going good. By April, I had cut down my training from five days a week to four. Five days a week was just untenable, but I found four could be done without much trouble. And between the start of the clinic and April 19, I had missed only five scheduled runs. I was in great shape, the hill training was behind me, and my new shoes were promising to take me cleanly through the 21k just five weeks away. I was easily running 16k ahead of my projected pace, and nothing could stop me.

But then trouble came. It started as a soreness in the knee that hurt only after running. I decided to take a little bit of time off rather than risk injury, but after five days of marginal improvement, I decided to go see a doctor, just to be safe. He did a quick examination on my knee, and after finding nothing wrong, he sent me on my way, telling me to take a week off and get right back to training.

The next week, the beginning of May, we began our speed training, and that marked the end of my training. I ran about two kilometeres, and had to quit and walk home... defeated. My leg wouldn't go any more. Another trip to the doctor revealed that the problem wasn't in my knee, but rather a stress fracture in my upper shin. Thankfully, the doctor I saw this time was a runner himself, and he knew how important it was for me to run the race. So he told me to do some cross training and strength training, as well as stretches and some light running. With the race just four weeks away, he figured I should be good to run it.

But I did not fare well in May. I like to pretend I would have kept training, but with my birthday, a bachelor party, and a university reunion all within three weekends, I knew my training would be comprimised. The stress fracture gave me an excuse not to train.

Coming into race weekend, I was flip-flopping almost hourly as to whether or not I'd be able to run. On one hand, I had missed out on a month of training and was still walking with somewhat of a limp. But on the other hand was the committment I'd made four months before. There was the faces of those in my clinic who had perservered, and I refused to be one of the ones that gave up. I had to do it, and short of a broken leg, nothing was going to stop me.

And so I ran.

Lost in a crowd of 7000 other runners, I took my places squarly at the back, and waited for the race to start. It was a full eight minutes between the start of the race and the time I crossed the start line. The sheer number of people was incredible.

Mom, who came up from Newfoundland to run with me, had managed to slink her way between and around and through the crowd, and she had disappeared from my view. At the ten minute mark, I heard a familiar voice. "2:30 group! Walk!" It was Jennifer, my group leader who I'd been running with for so many runs. I had hoped to find them, but in the sea of people, there was barely any chance at the start line. But there they were, and the familiarity and motivation drove me on.

Unfortunately, comradship and motivation can only push you so hard, and a month of inactivity had taken its toll on me. At around the 8km mark, the heat, which was up around 29°C had beaten me, and I had to stop to walk a good couple of minutes before my scheduled walk break. I knew it would be a tough fight from then on. Not even half way through, and I was suffering.

And so it went for the next 12 kilometers. I ran, I walked. I ran, I walked some more. But mostly I walked. There was no music that could motivate me. There was no drink that could energize me. My calf was cramping, my shin was throbbing, and my foot was crying. The only thing that kept me going was my sheer determination. I would not quit. I would not walk. As long as I was concscious, I would carry on forward.

And then the last kilometer. I had been saving my energy for that last 1000 metres, but regardless, I had nothing left. And as I crawled along by the 500m remaining sign, I cursed. Four hundred metres didn't make me feel much better. At three hundred I finally started to believe I could do it. And at 200m, I left it all out on the pavement and pushed through the stress fracture and the cramps and aches and sprinted to the finish line.

In the end, my time was 2:56:50. Yes, that's almost three hours. My goal time was 2:30, and there's a part of me that's disappointed I didn't reach that. I can tell myself that I was injured. I can tell myself that it was hot. I can tell myself that I hadn't really trained in a month. I can tell myself anything, but in the end, it all feels like excuses. Sure there's nothing I could have done about any of those factors, but a part of me is still disappointed. I walked more than I wanted, I struggled more than I thought possible, and my recovery took longer than ever expected.

But those disappointments are minor. When I set out to run the half marathon, I set out to push myself to my absolute limits. I set out to prove that I could do something that I never though possible. As anyone three years ago if they ever thought I'd run a half-marathon, and they would have laughed. And I would have been one of them. I challenged myself with something extraordinary, and I finished it, and that's something I take an incredible pride in.

What about those disappointments? Well, they're still there. But they're not feeding off my fears and doubts, but rather fueling the next challenge. Next time, I won't get injured. I won't skip training. I won't walk as much. Those are lessons learned, and those lessons will guide me through my next half marathon, or triatholon, or marathon, or whatever challenge I choose next. Because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that anything is possible.


Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Brokeback

By Billy Bob

On Saturday, 3dg and fans gathered to celebrate the union Brokeback and Brokebackette. It was a very lovely ceremony, and I thought I'd post a couple pictures from the wedding... you know, because why not.

For those of you not in the know, from left to right in that picture are:

Emma, Becky, Catriona (Brokebackette), Jeff (Brokeback), Stevie P., and Kaylen.

Oh, and in case you're curious what the bulge in the front of Stevie P's jacket is, I've taken the liberty to do some state of the art, super advanced high image proccessing spline reticulation to improve the gamma spectrum radiation of the imate (click to zoom).

Friday, May 26, 2006 

Good news! I passed 8th Grade Math

By Billy Bob

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 9/10 correct!


Dear Internet

By Billy Bob

Dear Three Drunk Guys,

I do not apologize for the amount of space in this letter I intend to devote to telling you about Mr. Stevie P Proulx. Let us note first of all that there's a time to keep silent and a time to speak. There's a time to love and a time to hate. There's a time for war and a time for peace. And, I believe, there's a time to keep our priorities in check. Or, to put it less poetically, everyone ought to read my award-winning essay, "The Naked Aggression of Stevie P Proulx". In it, I chronicle all of Stevie P's accusations, from the brain-damaged to the presumptuous, and conclude that I unmistakably dislike Stevie P. Likes or dislikes, however, are irrelevant to observed facts, such as that if we don't remove the Stevie P Proulx threat now, it will bite us in our backside one day. It's our responsibility to point out that the emperor has no clothes on. That's the first step in trying to detail the specific steps and objectives needed to thwart his ill-bred, hostile schemes, and it's the only way to put the kibosh on his fibs. Stevie P uses big words like "conventionalization" to make himself sound important. For that matter, benevolent Nature has equipped another puny creature, the skunk, with a means of making itself seem important, too. Although Stevie P's teachings may reek like a skunk, if the past is any indication of the future, Stevie P will once again attempt to hasten the destruction of our civilization. If you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. He provides none. Finally, to those of you who are faithfully helping me protect the interests of the general public against the greed and unreason of savage swindlers, let me extend, as always, my deepest gratitude and my most affectionate regards.

Some Jerk

This post brought to you by Scott Pakin's automatic complaint-letter generator

Thursday, May 25, 2006 

3dg Ribbon Campaign

By Billy Bob

Dear fans, colleagues, and enemies,

I'm here today to talk to you about a very serious problem facing the world. That problem, 3dg is not getting enough exposure.

So please, take this ribbon, put it on your site, and link to us. It may not solve world hunger, but it will increase our site traffic, and isn't that a good thing for all mankind?


Edge Thursday 30

By Billy Bob

Edge Thursday 30

I have started a new blog.

I know what you're saying:

"It's about time."

"Another one?"

"What's a blog?

Well, this blog actually has a purpose (hard to believe, I know).
Every Thursday for the past few years, I've been checking and archiving The Edge 102.1 Thursday 30 page, for my own interest... to keep on top of the new popular music.

Unfortunately, some time ago, The Edge stopped storing its own archive, so I'm missing about a year or so of lists.

And that's why I started this new blog... to have a running archive of the Top 30, and to to be able to syndicate it (if you don't use Bloglines or some other aggregator to keep track of your blogs and news feeds, get with the times, people).

In any case, this is a blog just for me, but you're more than welcome to check it out... add it to your bloglines... or do whatever.


CBC News: Harper says he's finished with Ottawa press corps

By Billy Bob

CBC News: Harper says he's finished with Ottawa press corps

Stephen Harper, or as he's fondly known around these parts, Prime Minister Douchebag, has decided that he doesn't like reporters, and will no longer answer journalist questions.

Good for you, Prime Minister Douchebag. I mean, reporters are really the lowest form of entertainment. Who needs to know what's going on behind the scenes on Parliament Hill? I, as a Canadian and an advocate of freedom and democracy, believe the the press should not be able to ask real questions about Kyoto, or equalization, or national security. They should really hit the hard hitting issues, like the brand of make-up you use, or where you store Peter MacKay when he's not out in public.

The fact is, the liberal media has gone too far. Just look at the United States, where freedom from the truth and liberty of the powerful is in danger because reporters actually have the audacity to search for the truth! Can you imagine Canada becoming such a cesspool of scrutiny? I for one, think it's time we stifle free press. After all, what good has ever come out of knowledge?

Just think, if we didn't have reporters, Canadian never would have heard about the Sponsorship Scandal. I don't know about you, but that's a world I would like to live in.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 

Three Drunk Guys

By Billy Bob

Breaking News

Through a great deal of investigative reporting (read: making shit up), the identity of Stevie P's fan is none other than the infamous Ms. Kimberly Patterson of Melbourne, Australia. It has also been revealed that she has lost both of her pinky fingers to a tragic crocodile hunting accident and is unable to use the shift key. I would like to offer my sincerest apology to Ms. Kimberly Patterson, as my insensitive remarks have caused a great deal of emotional turmoil over the last few weeks. I have also sent Ms. Kimberly Patterson a vat of maple syrup to make up for my transgressions.

Billy Bob, 3DGN reporting.


I'm your huckleberry

By Billy Bob

Recently, a certain "fan" of 3dg has begun leaving messages that attempts to belittle the absolute greatness that is Three Drunk Guys. Of course, you'll never be able to knock us down a peg. Well, Anonymous, I'm calling you out.

Over on a certain, yet possibly fictional blog called Path of Most Resistance, MKSP has written a very nice piece about how great Canada is. Of course, no list of Canada's greatness is complete without 3dg sitting right there at the top - although MKSP appears to know a lot more about Canada than I do, so we may be bumped back to second... maybe third.

In any event, Anonymous (if that is his real name) had this to say about Three Drunk Guys:

IMPORTANT: Canada (and yes I have been given permission to speak on their behalf) takes no responsibility for 3 Drunk Guys and/or any opinions expressed in their rants or the impression you have of Canadians due to their disturbing love of cheap beer, sandwiches and cowbell.

First of all, Anonymous, no, I don't believe you have been given permission to speak on Canada's behalf. How do I know this, well, that's simple. In case you didn't get the memo, Three Drunk Guys have taken over the Canadian government in a quiet, bloodless coup... we're just waiting until the Stanley Cup is in Edmonton's hands before announcing it. Therefore, it would be impossible for you to speak on behalf of Canada, because we are Canada. Just ask Brokeback... he knows.

Second, our rants are not opinions. They are in fact, fact. You Anonymous, are a douche bag. How do I know this? Simple. Because it's a fact. In the words of a certain eight fingered yellow philosopher:

You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true.
- Homer J. Simpson

Third, and finally, we do not have a "disturbing love of cheap beer, sandwiches and cowbell." Three Drunk Guys has just the right kind of love for cheap beer, sandwiches and cowbell... and that love is a very appropriate appreciation for buck-a-beer beer, nine-pound sandwiches, and the greatest musical instrument in the world. After all, I have a fever, and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL.

So Anonymous, I'm calling you out! Stop hiding behind the mask of anonymity. Face me, man-to-man. Come on, skin that smoke wagon and see what happens!

From now on I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it. So run you cur. And tell the other curs the law is coming. You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me! - Wyatt Earp

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 

Happy Birthday, to myself

By Billy Bob

Every now and then, after drinking a few too many beer in celebration of an event such as Great Friday, my birthday, or Jeff's Bachelor party, I can't help but thinking about what an idiot I am. Usually, those feelings go away within a couple hours of sobering up, but every now and then I get a reminder of the stupid things I've done while I was drinking.

This story begins about two weeks ago, on May 12, when Balsom's Blog broke a story about Jack Bauer's wardrobe. Jokingly, I wrote

For all of those who think Jack's a sissy for carrying around a man-purse all season... get to the back of the room. Jack will be coming to deal with you shortly.

Jack Bauer's Heavyweight Classic Messenger and Travel Bag is the ideal solution for aiding in the day-to-day anti-terrorist activities, whether it be blowing up Russian terrorists with your cell phone, stabbing CTU infiltrators in the neck with scissors, or hijacking a plane and landing it on a freeway. This bag has it all!

Now let us fast forward to present day, May 22, 2006. I go home after a long day at work, tired and strung out from a long weekend in Brockville, and I check the mail. Inside is a package from the U.S. addressed to me. Curious about it, I run inside and cut open the packaging, where I find nothing less but Jack Bauer's Heavyweight Classic Messenger and Travel Bag.

My first reaction was a little laugh. "Ha." I thought. "Someone bought me this handy dandy Jack Bauer man-purse. Awesome!" But then I started to think about it some more. No, my birthday was just two weeks ago, why would anyone get me anything now. I started to panic a little bit. "Did someone read my blog and decide to send me Jack Bauer's Heavyweight Classic Messenger and Travel Bag? Do I have a stalker? Did my William Robert III cover not work as well as I had hoped?"

So I started to do some investigating. And after a few minutes, it started coming back to me.

Last weekend, at Brokeback's bachelor party, Stevie P. left the bar early without telling anyone. Since a bunch of us were planning on crashing at his place, we were a bit concerned when we couldn't get in. Repeated calls from the cell phone and the intercom went unanswered, and six of us were stuck outside of his apartment at three in the morning. After calling everyone we knew, Becky and Jason finally said they'd come pick us up and give us a place to crash (very nice of them, considering it was late, and we were pretty drunk).

When I finally got home, I apparently thought it was a good idea to go check out eBay...

Needless to say, I am now the proud owner of Jack Bauer's Heavyweight Classic Messenger and Travel Bag.


Oh Australia... Here, have a shift key

By Billy Bob

Path of Most Resistance: o canada

That's right, we're international. A mysterious Australian girl who claims to be a fan of Stevie P. has posted about us and how great Canada is. Of course, we know that this blog is a complete fabrication, and I suspect that Stevie P. actually created the Path of Most Resistance in order to boost his own fragile ego.

How do I know this? Well, I have a number of reasons:

1. Australia doesn't exist.
2. Stevie P has a fan? Oh yeah, that's likely.
3. No body besides Brokeback, Stevie P, and myself ever look at this site.

There, three solid reasons why I know that "MSKP" doesn't really exist.

But just in case you do, MKSP, and you are reading this, here... have a shift key...


Crime doesn't pay

By Billy Bob


How The Da Vinci Code Doesn't Work

By Billy Bob

Howstuffworks "How The Da Vinci Code Doesn't Work"

From what I hear, The Da Vinci Code is a somewhat popular book, and a movie based on this book has been made, and is also making a few dollars.

Having given into the peer pressure of 40 million people, I read this disaster of a book, and even reviewed it and live-blogged it. If you haven't read the book, I would recommend that you don't read these posts since it does contain some spoilers. No, scratch that. If you haven't read the book, I recommend you don't read it, since it is a terrible terrible waste of time.

Perhaps that language is a bit strong. I would actually never tell anyone to not read a book. I wouldn't even recommend against reading a book by Mr. Spock about pterodactyls invading Earth, although I should.

What I do ask of you is to please, please, please keep a critical mind about the book. The fact is that The Da Vinci code is a poorly written, yet highly entertaining work of fiction. Having been a big fan of science fiction for most of my life, I have no delusions that transporters are real, or that Tatooine exists. I know that these are fiction.

However, when fiction is shrouded in interesting, obscure and interprative topics, such as symbology, secret societies, art, and religion, people tend to mistake fiction for fact. Just because something's in a book, doesn't mean it's true.

So please, enjoy the book and the movie. If it interests you, read about alternate gospels of Christ. Learn about secret societies and symbology. Talk to friends about art and history. But whatever you do, don't believe a GPS receiver will work inside the Louvre just because it says so on page 72.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 

I Don't Need No Stinkin Australian Fan

By Billy Bob

So the story is true. Stevie P has his very own fan. But not a real fan. She's from Australia, where they tune into the internet through kangaroo bellys.

In any event, our shift-key challenged friend had this to say in response to my earlier post recapping the first day of 3dg:

billy bob, i choose to ignore the shift key unless it is absolutely necessary to engage its services. are you snarking at my typing ability because you wish you had your very own australian fan?

Well, lil miss thang, I'll have you know I don't need any "Australian" fans. I have my own fans right here in the good old Canada of A.

Here is just some of the fan mail I've received over the last 24 hours:

Dearest Billy Bob,

I love your writing. I want to marry you. If you look anything like your potrait, then you are the sexiest man alive. I'm a single 83 year old woman who may not be much to look at, and I don't have much of a personality, but hey, at least I can use the shift-key!

Yours forver,

Dear internet,

I'm Brick Tamland. People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an I.Q. of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded.

I ate fiberglass insulation. It wasn't cotton candy like the guy said... my tummy itches

I would like to extend to you an invitation to the pants party. There are horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!

Yours truly,
Brian Fantana

P.S. I ate a red candle.


Terry Tate: Office Linebacker

By Billy Bob


Don't you put it in your mouth.

By Billy Bob


We're a hit!

By Billy Bob

Well, it's official. Despite the protests that arose when it was announced that Balsom's Blog and Stevie P's Blog were going to merge, we are a hit!

In our first full day of operation, we had a record 57 visits to 3dg.

Now, I know I'm no math wizz like Brokeback over there, but I put together this little diagram showing our predicted traffic through the end of the month.

For purposes of display, that's a logarithmic scale, meaning by the end of the month, we can realistically expect 100,000 million visitors per day to our site. Of course, keep in mind that this based on a very modest daily growth factor of 2.85, which will certainly be much higher once the buzz gets out.

The scary thing comes when we look at the forecast for next year. I won't bore you with the "math," but on our one year anniversary, we expect to have approximately 5, 900, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 (that number, by the way, a 1 with 165 zeroes behind it, has been officially named threedrunkguyzillion) unique visitors per day. That's right, by next year, every man, woman, and child in the entire universe will be checking our site for updates every day.

That's a big responsibility.

So let's recap the first day excitement. Stevie P has a "fan!" She seems like a very lovely Australian girl who has not yet learned how to use the Shift-key. Brokeback Jeff was kind enough to lay out some ground rules for 3dg, although I'm sure some of them are contradictory. And I was kind enough to provide an insightful, if not somewhat creepy interview the cast from Saved by the Bell. There was also some videos and pictures stolen from the web and made our own, and I reported on some very uninteresting news. Oh, and there were no less than three separate posts on needing more cowbell. Come to think of it, this site really should have been called Cowbell.

In any case, the first day is over, and now we're left with the expectation of trying think of crap to put up on the second day. And the third day, and the fourth day... Truth be told, I don't expect this thing to last past Sunday.

Oh, and just for reference, 6 threedrunkguyzillion cases of beer would be enough to give every star in the known universe 6x10^143 cases of beer. Now that's what I call a party... and a mission statement of 3dg.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006 

3dg Interviews... Saved by the Bell

By Billy Bob

Welcome to a new semi-regular feature of 3dg, a live interview with the stars you thought (or rather hoped) you'd never hear from again.

Today's spotlight takes us back to every Saturday morning from 1988-1993. It was a time of turmoil for us children of the 80s. The drunken Captain of the Exxon Valdez had played chicken with a reef, and lost; Chinese protesters were getting run over by tanks in Tiananmen Square; and Big Daddy Bush was getting set to invade a little unknown corner of the world called Iraq.

But in living room's all across america, none of that mattered to us. We would wake up in the morning, run downstairs, grab a bowl of Honeycomb's, and sing along.

When I wake up in the morning
And the alarm gives out a warning
And I don't think I ever make it on time
By the time I grab my books
And I give myself a look
I'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by
It's alright 'coz I'm saved by the bell

And for the next half hour we would watch Zach forget that he was on a tv show and try to talk to the audience. We'd drool over Kelly Kapowski, knowing that she would someday be ours. We'd laugh at Screech, not realizing that we were at least as geeky, if not geekier, than he. We'd listen to Jessie's political views and wonder what was underneath that tight fitting blouse. Oh, and Slater and Lisa were there too, but I barely remember what their point was (can you say minority representation).

Today, the Gulf War is long over and there is nothing but peace in the mid-east. The Exxon Valdez disaster led to the development of cleaner, energy efficient fuels (can you imagine, back in the 90's they had something called smog!) And China is the envy of the world for democracy and human rights.

But where are our friends from Saturday morning? Well, you're in luck. Three Drunk Guys has obtained exclusive interviews with the cast of Saved by the Bell.

3dg: Thank you for speaking to me today, cast of Saved by the Bell.

Zach: We're happy to be here, Billy Bob.

3dg: Tell me, Zach, what have you been doing since Saved by the Bell ended?

Zach: Well, Billy Bob, my name is actually Mark. Mark-Paul Gosselaar.

3dg: Uh, no, I don't think so. I watched you grow up Zach, and I know that you're name is Zach. What, did you think you're too cool for that name? Or are you just a hippy?

Zach: Um, no. Zach was a character I played on Saved by the Bell...

3dg: Yeah, ok, so what you're telling me Zach, is that you've become a huge dick. Next question. Slater, this one's for you.

Slater: My name is actually Mario...

3dg: Alright, you're a dick too. I'll just move right along. Jessie, tell me, what did you do after you graduated from Saved by the Bell?

Jessie: Well, Billy Bob, after Saved by the Bell ended, I did a little film called Showgirls, where I played a stripper trying to make good.

3dg: What! Jessie, Jessie, Jessie. You gave up college to become a whore? I expected more from a fine, upstanding femi-nazi like yourself.

Jessie: No, Billy Bob, I wasn't actually a stripper. I just played one.

3dg: Did you take your clothes off?

Jessie: Well, yes...

3dg: In front of people?

Jessie: Yes.

3dg: Well, then you're a stripper. Did you also have sex?

Jessie: Well, yeah.

3dg: On screen?

Jessie: Yeah.

3dg: Well, you're a whore too. Next question. Lisa, how did you feel about being the only African American portrayed on the show?

Lisa: I felt proud and honoured. Here I was, a young African American girl playing a rich, well-to-do individual. I felt that I was a role model to all of my fans, those living in the...

3dg: Ok, thanks. That's enough for the sound bite. Screech.

Screech: Yes, Billy Bob.

3dg: Are you really as big a dink as you played on television?

Screech: Well, I don't think that's fair. I mean, I was playing a role, and I think I played it quite well.

3dg: So, that's a big stinking yes, then. There was a rumour that you were once dated Full House star Candace Cameron. Is there any truth to that?

Screech: Oh hell yeah, be-yotch. I tapped the shit outta her.

3dg: Uh, yeah. I bet you did, you dink. Mr. Belding, welcome to the 3dg studios. Thank you for taking your time to speak to us today. So tell me, Mr. B, what did you do after Saved by the Bell ended.

Mr. B: Well Billy Bob, after Saved by the Bell ended, I found it very difficult to find any acting gigs. I was typecast as this big, dumb, goofy principal, and nobody wanted to hire me.

3dg: Cry me a fucking river.

Mr. B: So, today, for $19.95, I call people and wish them a happy birthday, or anniversary, or congratulations, or, you know, whatever...

3dg: That's... really... pathetic...

Mr. B: I know. Please give me money.

3dg: Um, get the hell away from me, you sick freak. So is there a Mrs. Belding, Mr. Belding?

Mr. B: Not yet, but I'm hoping someone sitting right here in this room wants the job. [Mr. B looks over at Screech and waves slyly. I punch him]

3dg: And now on to my favorite of the Saved by the Bell alumni, the beautiful Kelly Kapowski. You know Kelly, the happiest day of my childhood was when I found a nude picture of you on the internet. That was back a long time ago, before it became impossible to find porn on the internet.

Kelly: What's the internet?

3dg: Uh, yeah. So what did you do after Saved by the Bell ended.

Kelly: I, like, you know, did some stuff.

3dg: Yeah, that's great.

Kelly: So, you want to have sex?

3dg: And that concludes the interview. Stay tuned next time when we interview the cast of the Smurfs.


The Skeletor Show - Episode 1 - The Box

By Billy Bob


Office BBQ

By Billy Bob


Please note that at this year's office party there will be only one drink per person. Please bring your own cup.


More Cowbell Emoticon

By Billy Bob

In case you're on messenger, and you just need to let someone know that they NEED MORE COWBELL, here is the official emoticon, as endorsed by 3dg:



This Just In: Paul McCartney Loses Pegleg

By Billy Bob

CBC Arts: McCartney separating from second wife

Well, well, well, Paul McCartney is seperating from old pegleg. I can't say that I'm disappointed, since you know, she's a huge bitch and all. Now, if only Bono would seperate from his massive ego, we'd be set.


CBC Arts: The tribe has spoken: Hatch sentenced to prison

By Billy Bob

CBC Arts: The tribe has spoken: Hatch sentenced to prison

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the "Fat Naked Fag" from the first season of Survivor? The one that everyone loved to hate? Let me just say that if it is, then he had better look out in the shower... but then again, he'll probably enjoy dropping the soap.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 

The Beginning of the End

By Billy Bob

Welcome to Three Drunk Guys, or, as you can see by that beer logo over there, 3dg.

Stevie P, Brokeback Jeff, and I have big plans for this new super blog. I can't really tell you what they are just yet, but I can tell you, there will be more cowbell, more jigowatts, and definately, t-shirts.

As Stevie P has already alluded to, 3dg is the perfect storm of blogs, with the two powerhouses of Balsom's Blog and Stevie P's Blog coming together in one incredible blog that could take out a dozen George Clooney's and a thousand Marky Mark's.

Balsom's Blog had a good run of 1 1/2 years or so, and Stevie P's Blog lasted two months. All in all, we had nearly the same number of posts, so my longevity and his passion will keep this blog going long after the last computer has burned out.

I have a lot more to say, but my computer is fucking pissing me off, so that's it for this post. Yeah, I know... bodes well for the future of 3dg.


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