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Tuesday, May 23, 2006 

How The Da Vinci Code Doesn't Work

By Billy Bob

Howstuffworks "How The Da Vinci Code Doesn't Work"

From what I hear, The Da Vinci Code is a somewhat popular book, and a movie based on this book has been made, and is also making a few dollars.

Having given into the peer pressure of 40 million people, I read this disaster of a book, and even reviewed it and live-blogged it. If you haven't read the book, I would recommend that you don't read these posts since it does contain some spoilers. No, scratch that. If you haven't read the book, I recommend you don't read it, since it is a terrible terrible waste of time.

Perhaps that language is a bit strong. I would actually never tell anyone to not read a book. I wouldn't even recommend against reading a book by Mr. Spock about pterodactyls invading Earth, although I should.

What I do ask of you is to please, please, please keep a critical mind about the book. The fact is that The Da Vinci code is a poorly written, yet highly entertaining work of fiction. Having been a big fan of science fiction for most of my life, I have no delusions that transporters are real, or that Tatooine exists. I know that these are fiction.

However, when fiction is shrouded in interesting, obscure and interprative topics, such as symbology, secret societies, art, and religion, people tend to mistake fiction for fact. Just because something's in a book, doesn't mean it's true.

So please, enjoy the book and the movie. If it interests you, read about alternate gospels of Christ. Learn about secret societies and symbology. Talk to friends about art and history. But whatever you do, don't believe a GPS receiver will work inside the Louvre just because it says so on page 72.


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