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Thursday, May 25, 2006 

Edge Thursday 30

By Billy Bob

Edge Thursday 30

I have started a new blog.

I know what you're saying:

"It's about time."

"Another one?"

"What's a blog?

Well, this blog actually has a purpose (hard to believe, I know).
Every Thursday for the past few years, I've been checking and archiving The Edge 102.1 Thursday 30 page, for my own interest... to keep on top of the new popular music.

Unfortunately, some time ago, The Edge stopped storing its own archive, so I'm missing about a year or so of lists.

And that's why I started this new blog... to have a running archive of the Top 30, and to to be able to syndicate it (if you don't use Bloglines or some other aggregator to keep track of your blogs and news feeds, get with the times, people).

In any case, this is a blog just for me, but you're more than welcome to check it out... add it to your bloglines... or do whatever.


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